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Product Focus: SUPPLEMENTS

Writer: Lea MallettLea Mallett

Updated: Nov 12, 2020

Here's the secret to super-charge the supplements you take!

Truth be known, I am a BIG believer in high quality supplements.

I’ve purchased (what I thought were) some very good ones over the years, not only because I’d spent the better part of 10 years in troubling health crisis, but knowing that our bodies in this generation—and especially as we mature & age—are becoming increasingly more & more depleted. 

But whoo-boy, did I have an epiphany several years ago when I learned this:

Did you know that the average commercial supplement (never mind from Costco or the like—even health food store, specialist, or doctor recommended!) is absorbed, at the very best, by only 30%...?? The other 70% we excrete out when we go to the bathroom!! Not only that, but it takes around 24 hours for that meagre 30% to be absorbed in our bodies…? Not great news (or use of our $), is it?! Especially when the cost of supplements can really add up.

Over 27 years ago, Gary Young (the founder of Young Living) and his team of scientists were on to something. Knowing the deep science behind how essential oils work on the cellular level, they poured themselves into researching supplement bio-availability when essential oils were actually infused into them. Their first tests were on Gary’s original tried-and-true proprietary blend “MultiGreens”, a powerhouse Young Living supplement that is still very much in demand to this day. 

TRUTH BOMB! This is what they discovered...


To Gary and his team's absolute amazement, they discovered that the oil-infused Multi-Greens not only ramped up to a whopping 80%+ bio-availability—but that they accomplished this in under an hour! 

All this compared to the norm of 30% in a 24 hr period...!


Well, when I learned this about the EXPONENTIAL DIFFERENCE in absorbability between Young Living’s supplements and everything else on the market, it was a total no-brainer for us to start systematically switching out our supplement cabinets to these phenomenal products! It was one of the best decisions I’ve made for the ongoing benefit of my health and that of my family.

Secret Weapon, indeed—on steroids!

So while there is MUCH to learn about the vast oil-infused supplement line that Young Living now offers to support ALL the body systems (I will be doing individual product-focused blogs in the months to come—stay tuned!), I wanted to share a couple key videos that are just an excellent introduction to this whole realm.



< Get started learning from Young Living leader and educator Jen 0'Sullivan, who lays the framework for how Young Living's broad selection of supplements can powerfully impact your life.

> Former registered nurse turned full-time Health & Wellness Practitioner, Kristen Boucher dives in to some more of the nitty gritty essentials you'll need to know about the difference between commercial supplements & Young Living supplements.

And lastly...

< Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton tells it like it is! Great foundational education on some of the most popular (and key) oil-infused supplements that YL has to offer.


So... now what, do you ask?

If you've taken the time to watch and absorb this life-transforming information (are you fired up now?!), here's a practical game plan for you:

I've personally put together a couple Core Supplement Bundles for you to choose from... one for Foundational support, and one for Immune support:


  • Non-members, click HERE to make your first order

  • Existing YL members, click HERE to log-in & add the items you want to your cart

PLEASE NOTE: In order access Young Living's 24% discounted rates, all US customers are required, at the very least, to purchase a BASIC STARTER KIT, shown above. Think: VALUE! This $35 Kit gives you a wholesale account with Young Living for LIFE, as long as you make just one $50 USD order a year to keep your account active. Once & done! (And seriously... who couldn't use a little of the amazing blend "Stress Away" in their lives these days, yes..?!)



  • Non-members, click HERE to make your first order

  • Existing YL members, click HERE to log-in & add the items you want to your cart


(INTERNATIONAL FRIENDS: Let me know what you'd like, and I will look into what is available in your particular market!)


Well, that's a wrap for today, folks! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

NOTE: I do have a "Chat" app on my website where you can fire me a quick note on if you like. Be sure to leave your contact info when prompted, as I am not able to reach you after you leave my site otherwise! (Sometimes people opt to skip that part and then wonder why I've ignored them, yikes! I may not always be available the moment you write, but I do always get back to everyone!)


~Lea Mallett


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