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Writer's pictureLea Mallett

Budgeting Tips: AFFORD IT

Updated: Dec 19, 2020

Want to explore the vast line of powerful oils & oil-infused products... but feel you can't afford it?

It's not as near-impossible as you might think.

If you’re on a pretty snug budget (like most folks these days), the following short video will be of help to you to see how you can potentially make more important wiggle room for these wonderful oils and products in your life. Presented by medical practitioner and wellness coach Carla Green from here in Canada; one of our top support leaders for many, and an excellent educator in Young Living.

Take a watch & see what resonates with you! Some—or all—of this may fit with your goals!

So... what do you practically need to do to move forward now?


Do the "Ditch 'n Switch"

As Carla Green so importantly articulated for us, it's not so much ADDING to our budget, as REPLACING things that are already taking up space in our budget.

Couple that with recognizing the KEY importance of taking stock of all products in our home (reading the labels carefully!), and working towards literally ditching anything with questionable ingredients—including anything with "parfum" or "fragrance"; the biggest offenders to our immune systems—and gradually switching it all out with plant-based 100% toxin-free Young Living products.


Adapt a systematic plan

It can be confusing to know where to start, I get it!

Most of the battle is in having a plan that is not only affordable and do-able, but makes the absolute BEST use of your hard-earned dollars.

Here is a snapshot preview of the first 4 months of a 12-month strategic plan I have developed to help you get your home more fully toxin-free without you having to wrack your brain in the process (or second-guess what to do next!)...

(Click on the image to enlarge)


NOTE: The most cost-effective & advantageous way to implement this 1-YEAR PLAN is to opt for the ESSENTIAL REWARDS loyalty program. While not required for a Young Living wholesale membership (24% off of the retail prices) that anyone can have, ER is HUGELY beneficial by earning you points towards FREE products that will REALLY stretch your $'s!


Now—let me help you implement these two things

Anyone who makes their first Young Living essential oils purchase through me (or through someone on my BLOOM CREW team), gets personally approved by me for exclusive & full access to the back Team Members' area on this site where you will find super helpful & practical printable resources from my RESOURCES VAULT (pull down the "Resources" tab above for a sneak peak Overview).

These two will be of particular practical application for you...

The "DITCH & SWITCH" form:

On page one, you simply check off all the things that are resident in your home that most likely have questionable ingredients in them (hey, we've all had 'em!). Page two shows you what completely safe Young Living products can effectively REPLACE them.

Yes, it's a real eye-opener, my friend!

(Bloom Crew members who have checked into the Team Member area,

click HERE to access this form)

"Work Your Way to a Plant-Based Home" FULL 12-Month Plan:

These Hacks are designed to help you see what products are possible with both the 50 PV ("Product Value") or the 100 PV minimal goals on Essential Rewards (50 PV is all that is required to qualify for the Essential Rewards program, 100 PV is the first of 4 freebie tier goals that first earns you free shipping or a free oil, depending on your country). More about Essential Rewards and the freebies HERE.

(Bloom Crew members who have checked into the Team Member area,

click HERE to access this form)



Regarding the "Business-Building" aspect of what Carla Green spoke of in the video above...

This is a completely OPTIONAL aspect of your Young Living wholesale membership, and not required or expected of you as one of my BLOOM CREW members.

However, IF this is an area you would be interested to explore to help offset the cost of your orders (and perhaps even earn a little extra on the side), I would be happy to help educate & mentor you in that regard. You also don't really even need to pursue the "business" aspect of it to benefit—this Bloom Crew website is designed to help others sign up under you super easily, and thus earn a little extra income as a result!

Feel free to read more about that HERE & HERE in the "Essential Oils Hub" tab above.

Click HERE to check out some excellent SPECIAL PRODUCT GROUPINGS that I have personally put together according to member & subscriber request!


Let me leave you with this thought...

Sobering, hey...


To begin your epic journey with essential oils, click HERE to see what your options are.

Thanks for joining me today!

~Lea Mallett

YL Member #14678057

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