I am asked practically daily: "What Young Living essential oils are equivalent to the Medicinal Plants spoken of by Luz de Maria?"

Months ago, I buckled down and poured through all the available information to put together even more KEY PRODUCT groupings to fulfill the back-to-back requests continuing to flow in regarding the MEDICINAL PLANTS Equivalents.
Many of you (my CREW team members :-) have now invested in some (or all) of the oils and products listed, and have been waiting oh-so-patiently while I've worked very hard behind the scenes to create the MEDICINAL PLANTS COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE to go with it all, as my time has allowed.
Thank you all for your enduring patience! It's been a year like NO other, for sure!
AND so, without further delay...
I am very excited to let you know that not only have I created a 23-pg COMPREHENSIVE PDF GUIDE for any of my team who have been waiting, but I have also created an INTRODUCTORY SLIDESHOW for all my subscribers—BLOOM CREW members or not— to view!
Click on the image below to be taken to the Slideshow...
IMPORTANT: If you'd like to make this important investment in building your immunity but can't afford it all at once, I've broken it up into bite-sized pieces for you! Go ahead & check out my blog titled: Pace-Your-Purchase...
Hey, love the slideshow..?!
Want to capture it in PRINTABLE FORM to be able to go back and refer to later?

Great news for you! Once you've made your first Young Living essential oils purchase through me (or via someone on my BLOOM CREW team), you are then considered an official BLOOM CREW team member.
What does this MEAN for you, exactly?
Once you're onboard and you've requested access, you will get personally approved by me for exclusive & full access to the Team Members' area behind the scenes on this site.
This is where you will find not only a whole other level of education and support to help empower you to make the best of your oil investment, but also FREE printable resources inside my RESOURCES VAULT available as "PRODUCT HACKS" like this one (FOUND HERE), for all my current and future BLOOM CREW members that you can hand-pick to build your very own custom HACK BINDER!
NOTE: Pull down the "RESOURCES" tab above and click on "RESOURCES OVERVIEW" for a sneak peak of samples of other printable documents just like this.
For even more in-depth coverage on Young Living's game-changing supplements (incl. helpful videos and another slideshow on Immune-Support), view the 2 sister Blogs: "Secret Weapon: Oil-Infused Supplements" & "End to Flushed Supplements"
Looking forward to teaching you how to take charge of your wellness goals! Be sure to reach out if you have any questions or need clarity on anything! Happy to help.
~Lea Mallett
YL Member #14678057