The Loyalty Rewards Program (formerly known as Essential Rewards) is Young Living’s OPTIONAL monthly program where you can change whatever YOU want in your monthly wellness box, specific to your personal needs. All that is required is to commit to one order a month of at least 50 PV (Product Value, typically equal to USD). If the program is no longer of any benefit to you at any time, you are free to cancel (after spending your accumulated point on free products, that is!), no strings attached.
With each order, your earn a percentage of your order back in points which you "cash in" for FREE products of your choice whenever you like (think Airmiles you can spend guilt-free later :-). And the longer you're enrolled in the ER program, the bigger your % of earnings—right up to 25% back! It adds up super fast then, believe me!
Here's the breakdown:
Months 1-3 – Earn 10% back in Loyalty Rewards Points
Months 4-24 – Earn 20% back in Loyalty Rewards Points
Months 25+ – Earn 25% back in Loyalty Rewards Points
Rather than try and explain all the many perks of going the program (and there are many—including more FREE oils at 3, 6, 9, & 12 consecutive months of being in the program!), take a quick watch of these two videos that sum it up in easy to understand visuals & terminology...

This company is so generous, it's ridiculous! We have enjoyed a fantastic amount of FREE oils and oil-infused products over the years that we always really appreciate. Having a Preferred Customer Membership with Young Living not only gives you access to 24% off of the retail prices of all your products, but there are also two main ways to earn some really sweet monthly FREE STUFF...
Every month Young Living has a different monthly promotion, offering FREE products and BONUSES when your order reaches certain minimums. The minimum usually starts at 100PV (PV means "Product Value"; typically the wholesale dollar value of the item in USD equivalent). The 100PV promotion is usually one or more FREE bottles of essential oil which is pretty darn decent. You can also earn more product/bonuses if your order reaches 190PV, 250PV, and even more if it reaches 300PV. These promotions are available to you anytime you order—even if it's just once a year to keep your membership from being deactivated.
If you are enrolled in the Loyalty Rewards program AND place a Loyalty order of 100PV or more, not only will you be receiving points to redeem like cash later on, but you will also receive the FREE products from the monthly promo! That's a LOT of sweet Freebies to look forward to!
BOTTOM LINE: the absolute BEST WAY to earn the MOST FREE PRODUCT is to hit one of the promo levels (100PV, 190PV, 250PV, or 300PV) together with your monthly Loyalty Rewards order – this will earn you the maximum amount of FREE PRODUCT that YL is delighted to bless your socks off with!
HELPFUL HINT: Sometimes in order to reach the promo level that gets us even more free products, it's just a matter of adding a Thieves toothpaste, lip balm, or lemon or dill oil, for instance—all regularly consumed products around here. This one trick basically puts money back in our pockets.